Faith, Jairus and his daughter
A lot of this was inspired by watching this incident on The Chosen, which you can view here: At the beginning, Jairus comes round the corner towards his house, and suddenly hears the wailing of the mourners. You can see the penny drop that the worst has happened- he changes from someone with hope to completely to losing everything. This is where it is difficult to forget how the story ends, and to put ourselves in his position. Right then, it was game over. Raising someone from the dead was not a thing - it was correct to say that the teacher was not needed any more. Jesus asks Jairus not to be afraid, to believe in him. Jairus does so, but in The Chosen, there is a moment where you can see him almost debating what to do - caught between Jesus and the Pharisee telling Jesus to go away. Jairus could have agreed with the Pharisee and could have told Jesus to go away, and maybe Jesus would have done. What could Jesus have said to change his mind? I can imagine that if Jesus had...