I've been listening to a few songs about doubt recently. It has been really helpful to hear other people process their doubts and fears - as helpful as it is to hear others proclaim their faith. But of course, these don't always hit the spot - they are someone else's lament, not mine. So I thought I would write my own. I apologise for the lack of poetry - I'm not a poet or a songwriter, so the words are what's important here. God, I wonder where you are. I wonder why you never speak to me, why others hear your voice but not me. I'm not looking for big answered prayers or miracles (although COVID to go away would be good, thanks) I just want to know that it is all true and that I'm going in the right direction. You say that one day you will say 'depart from me, I never knew you'. I wonder if you will say that to me. I can understand if you will; I won't be one of those protesting. I know about you, I know what you say, I know who you are You are l...