In a glass darkly

 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

1 Corinthians 13:12.

The title reflects the translation in the KJV, which I know from my childhood. This comes to mind because living as we do in this pandemic, it seems that this is the same experience right here and now with friends, church and family. We are all online, we see people and talk to them, but we know it is not enough. There is something different about being in person which the enforced separation is making clear to us. I'm not really sure what exactly it is about being in person that I miss so much - of course, there are the hugs, but there are people that I don't think I would ever hug who I still miss in person. 

It's helpful to experience this as it has made me realise that when I get to heaven, things are going to tbe different in a way that I cannot imagine here on earth. As meeting someone 'in real life' is so much better than meeting online, so meeting with God one day will be so much better than meeting with him now. It gives me hope that what I experience now, which is frustrating and incomplete, will all make sense.

I did look for a deep and meaningful picture to go with this post, but there seems to have been a film with the same name in the 1960s, so all I see is lots of stills from that.
